Who We Serve
Parents of high school students
Parents who are seeking peace of mind that your student is in good hands—look no further! Likely, your daughter or son wants to take this next step into their future independent of you, but you know that they still need support and guidance. This is where we come in. Our role is to serve your daughter or son as college counselor, teacher, editor, mentor, guide, therapist, "fairy godmother", and listening ear. We provide that bridge of communication between you and your student that serves to keep your relationship healthy, strong, and vibrant so you can focus on cherishing the moment rather than worrying about the future.
High School Students
High School freshman, sophomore, juniors and seniors—we are here for you! We provide comprehensive support on essays, career coaching, life guidance, organizational tools and tips, school selection, internship placement, gap year resources, financial aid support and more. We know that this is a big next step in your life and that you may hold some worry or fear about your future. We are here to give you peace of mind, support you in your next steps, and fan the flame of your confidence so that you can step forth boldly into your bright future!
Performing Arts students
With over 25 years of performing arts experience under our belts, we know the ins and outs of the theater world, film industry and music scene. We can give you that extra leg up when it comes to audition coaching, monologue preparation, musical performance portfolio selection and more. You have a dream; we have a plan.
Visual Arts students
We have worked with numerous visual art students on portfolio preparation, and know the ins and outs of what each art school is seeking as qualities and talents in their incoming freshman class. We walk through the portfolio selection process, art resume and artist statement creation from start to finish with you, giving you the confidence that you can and will succeed in your chosen endeavors ahead.
City College students looking to transfer
Seeking to transfer to a UC school or another college from SBCC? We are here for you! You’ve taken a smart and prudent step in your educational journey and are now ready to cross that bridge over into a college or university. The transfer process can be slow, confusing and frustrating, but with our support, this process will feel streamlined, steady, and assured.
College Graduates seeking Grad School
Congratulations! You completed or are nearly complete in your undergraduate education! What’s next? This question often looms over you and can feel just as big as the happiness and sense of pride of completion upon graduation. With our resources and experience, we are here to support you in your next step. Seeking work experience? We can help connect you with the right businesses and individuals. Interested in pursuing a Master’s or PhD? We support you in finding the best fit programs and schools for you.
College Students
Just because you are in college does not mean you don’t have questions and worries! We are here for you and can assist you in course and major selection, life path and career guidance, along with job placement and internship support. Unfortunately, your college advisor or counselor may not have as much time to support you as you are seeking. Perhaps you have unique circumstances (illness, leave of absence, financial aid needs, or other) that require additional focus and attention. We are here for you and can help you navigate those hurdles ahead.
Our Clients Say:
"It was such a joy to watch Grace complete her college applications last night. I am SO incredibly grateful for your help, guidance and support through this process. Not only did Grace enjoy working with you, but you made for a peaceful and joyful college application experience. (In other words, no stress and no nagging her to get stuff done.) I especially appreciate all the new-to-us schools you brought to her attention — except for our state school, all of the schools she's applying to are a direct result of your expertise, tools and conversations with Grace. There are some really wonderful schools on the list, and I'm excited to see where her college journey takes her. Thank you so much for your patience and flexibility in honoring her timing and flow on this. You quickly got her going even though we started late in the process. With deep gratitude and appreciation!"
- Shanno J., parent