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Driven by Values, Ethics, Responsibility and Care

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As a proud member of the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), my students and families can trust that I follow and affirm HECA's mission "to support students and parents during the transition from high school to college, with a commitment to equity and access to higher education for all students".

The college application process is one of life's great bridges--a rite of passage for many. I seek to set my students up for a life of happiness, self-development and inner strength. I support them to find their voice and boldly set forth on their chosen path. By working together, we find the right place for THEM--not the "best fit" for their parents, their peers, or society's "best schools". Would you want to send an eager and bright fish to tree climbing school? I think not. So too is it with young adults. Help them to identify their interests and joys, then send them forth in freedom to pursue their dreams, visions, and goals.