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Returning, Again and Again


As students and families return from their respective Spring Break getaways, I am struck by the moving parts that make up a community - the inhaling while others exhale, the moving, shifting and dancing we all do in order to balance and maintain. We are all a part of this whole. What I do affects others far down the line, and transversely, I am affected by others' choices and decisions.

Many great minds speak about this age as a time of communal awareness, as a time when each and everyone feels the actions of others. We are not separate in our daily doings, and often the projections of who others are and how others feel is based on false assumptions. While it is easier to stay inside our belief system of how the world works and who he / she / it / they 'truly are' -  or worse - who they 'should be' in order to grow and transform, all labels, expectations and assumptions must be put to the side. Each one of us is a constantly changing organism of wonder, beauty and grace. If we consciously and mindfully work together, there is truly, truly nothing that we cannot do. 

This week and always - to connection and growth - together.