Simply Ask
"Ask and you shall receive."
Most likely, we have all heard this quote many a time. But how often do we indeed ask for help? In our day and age, to ask for or to need something is not looked upon as a strength. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency are touted, and indeed they are excellent qualities. But so too are the qualities of interdependence, sharing, and giving. Put simply, asking is a win-win situation - for either you ask and what you need is given to you, or you ask and it is not given, and... lo and behold - you are still okay. Next steps are taken, and very often, new solutions are come to out of the ask in ways one could not have imagined.
Essentially, my pearl of truth that I am writing towards is this: ask. Simply ask for what you need. I truly believe that we each and every one of us truly love to give, and we are looking for ways to do so, avenues down which to share. Because it feels good to help.
So, ask! And what comes back to you will most likely surprise and delight.